8-5 A Rascal Underneath

  • 5 years ago
Posted on July 16, 2019 by admin
8-5: A Rascal Underneath

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Eight: Craving For Grandiose
5: A Rascal Underneath

On August 15 the year 2000, before Jiang Zemin visited the US, to drum up momentum, and demonstrate to the West how open-minded and wise he was, Jiang arranged for Mike Wallace, the host of CBS’s 60 Minutes, to interview him.

Jiang pretended to have a magnanimous attitude, and indicated that the purpose of the interview was to promote the friendship between China and the US. However, Wallace was quite straightforward with him, and hit the nail on the head when he pointed out, that Jiang was the last major communist dictator in the world, and that Jiang sounded like a full-fledged politician, with no candor. Jiang, lack of the most basic concept of the law, had many embarrassing moments in the interview. For example, he didn’t fully understand what positions he held, and forgot some very basi