6-4 The Hidden Agenda

  • 5 years ago
Six: Persecution Of Faith
4: The Hidden Agenda

Although Falun Gong’s spread was touching people’s heart and benefiting the nation and its citizens, in 1996 Vice Minister of the Central Ministry Propaganda, Xu Guangchun, seeking political gains for himself, summoned to a meeting the editors-in-chief of the ten major newspapers run by the Central Committee, and ordered to publish an article maligning Falun Gong. Afterward, the present publication administration under the Central Ministry of Propaganda, violating the Policy of “3 No’s”, prohibited the publication of all Falun Gong’s books.

However, by that time, there were adherents of Falun Gong working at almost every major newspaper. And in the Ministry of Public Security, notably many chiefs and directors of the public security bureau, and public security dept. in various cities, were practicing Falun Gong. The relevant governments’ offices received hundreds of thousands of letters of support, from the public describing what