6-3 The Mud-Slinger

  • 5 years ago
Six: Persecution Of Faith
3: The Mud-Slinger

The Qigong Master Li Hongzhi had numerous students.
There were bound to be a Judas or two. During the initial period when Mr. Li was spreading Falun Gong, a few of the practice activity coordinators from Changchun City, violated multiple times the stipulations of Falun Gong. They embezzled and diverted the extremely tight funds the practice was working with, and tampered with its exercises. Mr. Li repeatedly showed patience to the group, sources told. But they continued down that path and ended up turning against Falun Gong.

Beginning in 1994, the group wrote letters to 13 ministries and commissions directly under the State Council, lodging false accusations against Falun Gong. They wrote 3 volumes enumerating 12 charges, which though lacking factual bases, amounted to thousand pages. It’s this very same material that would later become, in 1999, a subterfuge for the CCP when it launched its suppression of Falun Gong.

In Feb. 9, 1995 the

