6-1 The Spread Of Fanlun Gong

  • 5 years ago
Six: Persecution Of Faith
1: The Spread Of Falun Gong

Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun gong, was born on May 13, 1951, into an ordinary family, in Gongzhu Ling City of Jilin Province. Mr. Li had once joined the military, and being transferred, in 1982, to work for a grain-and-oil company in Changchun City. He has, since childhood, practiced a private unknown Buddhist discipline. Mr. Li was just a common worker at the time. He lived with his family in a dormitory provided by his work unit. The living condition was rather modest.

In 1984 Mr. Li modified the practice into a Qigong form that would be suitable for the general public. He named the practice “Falun Gong”. On May 13, 1992, Mr. Li held in Changchun City the first public class. During the two years from 1992 to 1994, he held 54 workshops around the country.

To make his practice available to more people, the fee Mr. Li charged was the lowest in all of China. A ten-day workshop cost only 40 yuan, a third to half that

