5-8 The Hiding Turtle

  • 5 years ago
Five: Fatuous And Cruel
8: The Hiding Turtle

Power is everything for Jiang Zemin. He has no regard for people’s life and properties. He couldn’t care less for the welfare of the Chinese people overseas.
And he is always a coward when facing crisis and foreign powers. This is in stark contrast with his support for the Tian An Men Massacre, his cruel persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners, and his ruling of China with an iron wrist.

A riot against ethnic Chinese broke out in Indonesia on May 13, 1998, and lasted for 3 days. The properties of Chinese Indonesians were widely looted, and destroyed. Over two thousand ethnic Chinese living in Indonesia were killed, and hundreds of women were gang-raped, some were even killed after being raped.

The international community was shocked, and angered by the barbaric attacks. The United States Congress and the United Nations Human Rights Commission both issued statements condemned the incident. Leaders of many countries, and organization

