5-3 All The Chairman's Men

  • 5 years ago
Five: Fatuous And Cruel
3: All The Chairman’s Men

Jiang Zemin reached the acme of power, through the bloody crackdown on student democracy activists. He felt uneasy about his personal safety. The Central Security Guard was responsible for all the Central Government officials, including the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the People’s Congress, and the Chinese People’s Political Consultive Conference.
Jiang Zemin wished to have someone absolutely trustworthy as the director of the Central Security Bureau.

The current director Yang Dezhong, hardly fitted the bill, though his qualifications were unmatched by others.
His credentials came from service to Zhou Enlai, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang. Jiang Zemin thus lacked an excuse to remove Yang Dezhong. What he could and did do, however, was positioning as many trusted persons as possible around Yang Dezhong.

He first arranged for Yiu Xigui, whom he liked and trusted, to be the head of his security retinue. He ‘d later promoted...

