Good Email Subject Lines for Introduction in Affiliate Marketing!

  • 5 years ago
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Hey, today I'm going to talk about good email subject lines for introduction in affiliate marketing!

What I am going to share with you today, you can of course use in email – but you can use them with anything.

You can use it in blog post titles, Facebook posts, video content are really anywhere else.

A good email subject line's job is to get someone's attention. One of our best weapons as internet marketers is curiosity.

Yes, by pushing someone's curious button – you will be able to get more of their attention and that is a very valuable thing to have.

I once heard that sales is getting someone to view things from you point of view. To do this you need their attention.

One of the most overlooked subject lines has nothing to do with what you want to talk about. What you can do is legally steal what is already working.

If there is something that is going on in the world that everyone is talking about you can use that. Maybe it's in politics having to do with Trump.

You really are piggy backing on what is already working. If you are wondering how the subject line would relate to what your email is about you can tie it in. Here is an example,, whatever it is about Trump – he sure has a big Twitter following you can do by clicking on this link.

Another good subject line is by going to forums in your niche. I'm in the make money online niche, so a good one for me is the Warrior Forum.

You can view Forum posts based on views and the website is literally giving you good email subject lines that you can use for your business.

They are already proven to work. I'm not a big fan of re-inventing the wheel, I prefer stuff that has been proven to work.

Next up how about story based headlines will always work until the end of time. 12 year blogger takes down the giant company of Google in one move.

Wow, that is a good one – doesn't that get your attention? We humans have loved stories since the beginning of time and will always do so.

If you are an affiliate marketer you can also use the stories that are in the sales letter. They might not be in the first headline you might have to dig a little deeper.

It could be in the testimonials, but you could write it in a way to get someone curious and make it interesting.

The last idea is not very creative, but it works and that is just the results. Instead of getting fancy you can just run up the middle in the endzone to use a Football metaphor.

How to double your Twitter followers using an easy technique. You really want to just talk about the outcome that your product will deliver.

I hope you got some value from this video or podcast on good good email subject lines for introduction in affiliate marketing, if you did then please hit the thumbs up button.

Also, if you are new to affiliate marketing or you are just not making very good money click on the link below to discov


