What's More Important Seo or PPC for Traffic!
  • 4 years ago
Click on the link below to discover “the most helpful guide” on converting traffic into money.


Hello, I want to talk about what's more important seo or ppc when it comes to traffic.

SEO is using search engines to drive traffic organically or naturally. PPC stands for pay per click to to pay search engines to drive traffic.

This is how Google, Bing and YouTube make their money.

The short answer is SEO is more important because your business will be built on a more solid foundation.

With PPC you pay to get your message to the top of the search engines. With SEO you create a very helpful piece of content that helps you gain trust, authority and it's free.

SEO does take more time.

The important thing about SEO is your content helps you gain trust. Trust really is the currency and this is why SEO is more important. Anything that helps you gain trust is a big positive.

The first step you should do is pick a niche that your very interested in and want to learn more about.

Next, you want to find products in your niche, that you really, really like. Ideally you should be using the products.

What you want to do is put yourself into profit as quickly as you can. Then use your profits to re-invest back into your business and this includes PPC advertising.

I do think PPC advertising has a place, but it's at the end, it's not the first thing you should be learning.

The reason I don't think it's a good idea to start with PPC advertising is because you don't want to spend yourself out of business.

Spending yourself out of business can be easy to do.

Plus, when you start with free traffic you get more of an idea how much money your going to make from your traffic. You get experience, your learning more about your industry and your building more of a relationship with your target audience.

Plus with SEO your content can get your traffic for a very long time.

The slow way I think is better.

When it comes to spending money on your online business, the first place to start is the right education. The reason why is because if you try to figure everything out on your own it will take much longer, plus it will cost you more money.

The right education will probably give you the best bang for your dollar.

Where should you start with education? Great question. It's not with traffic or creating the perfect website.

I think everything comes down to converting the traffic into money. What you do with the list you create.

The better you can get at the converting part the less traffic you have to pump into it. Plus the more money you can spend on advertising.

When it comes to learning this skill set there is only 1 person I recommend because I know he is very good. If you want to know who this person is just click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com.

I hope this video or podcast might have been helpful. If it was please hit the thumbs up button.
