Graph Crypto Vs Chainlink? Winner is....

  • last year
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Hey wutzup.

I know OpenAI has been very popular lately, so I started looking at the top AI crypto projects out there and one of the leading ones is The Graph.

Some people think it's similar to Chainlink, so I wanted to talk about how they are both different and a little more on The Graph and some thoughts on the future of crypto in general

Graph organizes data on the Ethereum Blockchain, while Chainlink puts data on the Ethereum Blockchain. They are completely different.

The Graphs token is GRT and there is a total of 10 billion compared to Chainlinks token LINK where there are 1 billion.

With Graph you can invest tokens called staking to earn rewards. With Chainlink you can only earn rewards by being an Oracle and fetching information.

With Graph you can hold tokens allowing you to vote on things. With LINK you can't vote on things, by holding the token.

LINK is only used for 2 things to pay oracles to get data and stake the token so someone can become an Oracle.

The GRT token is used for all kinds of things. It has an elaborate system of indexes that find data and get paid with the GRT token, delegators that act like the police to ensure indexes are doing their job and they get paid curators that act like the IRS doing audit checks on the indexers.

Plus, as I mentioned you can vote on things. There are 2 parts to the governance of GRT on the Graph. The first part is the council which is made up of 10 people who vote on the important stuff like technical upgrades.

Token holders can vote on the little stuff such as how many tokens get burned when someone searches for something on the network.

The FTX collapse did hurt crypto in the short term and the truth is there are a lot of shitcoins, greed, and money-grabbing products in this industry.

Still, there are some solid projects in crypto that can provide benefits to people and that is what I look at. In the LONG-RUN these solid projects will probably do ok, while the shitcoins probably will disappear.

Investing in "good" projects you believe in and hold for the long term can be a good strategy. But as always do your own research.

If you want to learn more about Graph and Chainlink, both are solid projects as well as how to be an Oracle with Chainlink and get paid click on the link below or go to

If you have something to add then please leave a comment below. Bye for now.