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Hey wutzup. I have a family currently studying to be a pilot, so I wanted to share a few things about the process and how to get there faster and cheaper that I discovered.

The first step is the discovery flight. Get some real-world flying to see how it is and most importantly if you like it. Plus, you can brag to everywhere you've actually flown a plane right?

If you want to be a commercial pilot and actually earn money from it. The truth is 80% of students don't make it.

There are many reasons but the finances is a big hurdle. It costs around $100 thousand dollars if you add everything up to become a commercial pilot unless you join the military and go that path.

According to ZipRecruiter the average income of a starting commercial pilot now is around $50,000 a year. Is it worth it? That is up to you to decide.

There are scholarships that can help, but many are geared toward women and ethnic minorities. If I'm wrong please let me know in the comments.

The airlines United also has a school where they will pay $17,000 and give you access to loans for the rest. The good news is because the loan has a conditional job offer at United this reduces the risk and thus can reduce the interest rate.

The bad news (or good news) is United wants at least half of the school to be women or minorities.

Figuring out the finances beforehand will increase your chance of making it to the finish line or landing strip right?

The next step is passing all your medical stuff, so that will NOT hold you back.

Then you can study at home for “a whole lot” the written tests, and exams and pass them all.

This way when you hit the cockpit you will already know a lot and it will reinforce what you learned on the ground. Then all the stuff you learn when flying can be reinforced with more homework.

There is even a way to listen to the language of air traffic on the ground to make it even easier when you're in the cockpit.

My family member is paying around $400 per flight, so the more learning you can do on the ground is going to save you money. Each flight you want to be prepared for because they are very expensive.

After you get your pilot's license you still need 250 hours of flying time, plus pass more tests to get your commercial license to actually earn money from flying.

To learn more click on the link below or go to trustthelink.com because I share different ways to get those hours, plus how to study for the written exams and more.

I hope this video or podcast was helpful. If you disagree with something or have something to add then please leave a comment below. Bye for now.


