• 4 years ago
Click on the link below to discover the #1 way to promote affiliate offers.


Hello, so what is affilaite marketing and advertising?

When someone is an affilaite marketer they work for an individual or company to help move their products and services.

Because you were involved in the sale of the item you get a percentage of the money. Sometimes you make a large percentage of the money around 75% or more. Sometimes you make a very small percentage of the sale, such as 1%.

Some affiliate programs you can make 1 dollar per sale and some you can make $5,000 per sale. Some programs you can earn residual income.

Some examples would be software or membership programs. This is very similar to a royalty. You do the work one time and you make money into the future.

How long this lasts, it depends. There is also something called being a cpa affiliate. This is cost per action and if you give someone a lead you make a very tiny amount of money.

Some people think affiliate marketing is just posting links all over the internet. This is the wrong approach.

A much better approach is to use a variety of traffic sources and drive the traffic to an optin page, so someone gets on your list.

Then you can use the list to promote a wide variety of affiliate offers, many different ways. The reason this is a better approach is because you make the most amount of money per lead.

I like the idea of promoting a wide range of products. Low ticket items, residual income products as well as high ticket items where you can earn a few thousand dollars per sale.

What is very cool about affiliate marketing is you can either build this system yourself or you can use someone else's system.

This means you can piggyback on someone else's success and still make really good money. Harry Truman the President of the U.S. Said It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.

The pros to affilaite marketing is that it offers you a ton of freedom. You can do it any hour of the day. It offers a ton of flexibility on how you want to work the business.

There are a variety of niches and you can even do it traveling the world as long as you have an internet connection. Plus, you can make some really good money.

The negatives with affiliate marketing is the money is inconsistant. Even if you promote residual income products, people can still cancel and you get paid on performance.

Another negative is if you don't know what your doing your just not going to make a lot of money. If your wondering what advertising is, it's just a way to communicate with someone this is according to “Ogilvy on Advertising” which is a great book to read.

I hope this helped you.

If you do want to give affiliate marketing a try there is 1 skill you absolutely need to have. The only way to make money in affiliate marketing is to promote offers. There is a right way to do this and a wrong way.

Learning how to do this the right way


