• last year
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Hey, I've been thinking of putting a chatbot on my blog and I wanted to share a few thoughts on them.

When it comes to the overal macro of a website or any business it comes down to patience, which is not easy for anyone. Patience really helps.

It's probably a good idea to learn how to crawl, before walking and running.

This means if your blog or website isn't getting any visitors or isn't making money it's probably not a good idea to install a chatbot on it just yet.

If your website is getting visitors and it's profitable you could use your profits to experiment with a shiny new tool like a chatbot and see if it helps you earn more money.

It really is a case by case scenario on how helpful it can be.

The main problem with chatbots is they cost money every month. You just want to make sure it's profitable and it's not going to bleed cash.

You really have to track the numbers.

A very large advantage of a chatbot that you may not have thought about is upsells. The easiest time to market something is right after someone has made a purchase.

Strike, while the iron is hot so to speak.

There are chatbots that can do this. Plus it's instantant, unlike using email, which is one of the old fashion ways for an upsell

Another large advantage with them is your bounce rate. If someone is about to leave your website a chatbot could engage with someone and if it helps to make a few sells it could pay for itself.

Plus, it can help someone find something on your website faster and since nobody has patience nowadays this for sure can help.

The largest advantage to them could be with complicated products and answer questions someone may have and answering them in an instant.

There are more negatives that you may not have thought about as well and you can learn more by clicking on the link below or going to trustthelink.com.

I hope this video or podcast was helpful. Bye for now.
