Vice Retracts Stories About Trump’s Figure in Disney Attraction

  • 7 years ago
Vice has retracted a pair of stories about President Trump’s inclusion in Disney’s Hall of Presidents.

Vice has retracted a pair of stories about President Trump’s inclusion in Disney’s Hall of Presidents. 
On Wednesday, the editorial board of its Motherboard site issued a statement saying, “After a thorough investigation into the sourcing of two stories, ‘Here's the Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World's Hall of Presidents’ and ‘Behind the Scenes of Disney's Donald Trump 'Hall of Presidents' Installation,' and the identification of several factual errors, we have decided to retract both pieces.” 
According to Disney’s website, the attraction, which is “currently closed for refurbishment” and located in Florida's Walt Disney World, features “all 44 U.S. Presidents on stage in a patriotic, Audio-Animatronics show tracing the history of the United States.” 
Motherboard’s statement continued, “We are conducting a full editorial review to pinpoint how this source was vetted, and how these stories were approved and published in violation of our usual editorial workflow. We fell short of our standards, and regret the error.” 
Variety reports that Motherboard had recently written about internal conflict involving the Trump figure's ability to speak and the administration’s push to write the dialogue. 
However, Disney quickly pushed back, with spokesperson Jacquee Wahler, telling the Washington Examiner, “The Vice report is inaccurate. As we have stated, President Trump will have a speaking role in the Hall of Presidents like every president since 1993.”
She added, “We have been working closely with the White House and the president's recording session has been scheduled. We have repeatedly stated that the attraction will re-open in late 2017.” 
The official Disney blog reiterated this timeline on Tuesday after stating, “We have been working closely with the current White House — just as we have with previous administrations — and the president’s recording session has been scheduled.” 


