Conway Hopes Hillary Clinton Soon Finds 'Self-Awareness'

  • 7 years ago
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway has said she hopes Hillary Clinton finds some self-awareness.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway has said she hopes Hillary Clinton finds some self-awareness. 
According to Politico, she made the comment during a speech to the New York State Conservative Party Thursday, telling the crowd about Clinton, “Yes, it was her fault she lost.” 
Conway added, “I have found the hard way that a gift all women can give to themselves is self-awareness, and I hope she finds some soon.”
Clinton said earlier this week at the Code Conference, “I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that's not why I lost. I think it's important we learn the real lessons of this last campaign.” 
The former presidential candidate continued to maintain--as she had during a previous interview with CNN--that she lost the election due to Russia’s interference and former FBI director James Comey’s renewed look into her emails, among other factors. 
During her speech, Conway also reportedly recalled telling then-candidate Donald Trump during the campaign that he was “running against the most joyless candidate in presidential, political history.” 
Conway has blasted Clinton in the past; when the Democrat made similar comments about her loss in the election last month, Conway tweeted in response, “You Ignored [Wisconsin]. Called us deplorable/irredeemable. Had oodles of $$ & no message. Lost to a better candidate. From: Woman in the White House.” 
Meanwhile, Conway herself has been the subject of intense criticism, with the hosts of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' declaring that they were banning her from the program over allegations that she lies and is “out of the loop.” 


