Report: Trump Still ‘Annoyed’ By Bannon’s Time Magazine Cover From February

  • 7 years ago
President Trump is reportedly still bothered by a two-month-old Time magazine cover which features a portrait of chief strategist Steve Bannon. 

President Trump is reportedly still bothered by a two-month-old Time magazine cover which features a portrait of chief strategist Steve Bannon. 
In a recent New York Times story about Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, the writers say that “Mr. Trump remains annoyed by a February cover of Time magazine labeling Mr. Bannon ‘The Great Manipulator,’ telling one visitor this month, ‘That doesn’t just happen’ — a favored Trump expression for anger at subordinates who tend to their interests ahead of his.” 
In recent weeks, Trump has seemed to distance himself from his chief strategist who, in the beginning of the administration, appeared to be one of the president’s top influencers. 
Earlier this month, Bannon was notably removed from the National Security Council, reports the Washington Post. 
And Trump refused to say that he was still fully confident in Bannon, instead telling the New York Post in a recent interview, in part, “I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late…I’m my own strategist and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.” 
While the Times indicates that Trump appears to be influenced more by family members as time goes on, the media outlet states that “it was Mr. Trump, not his children, who pushed Mr. Bannon to the margins, motivated less by ideology than by dissatisfaction with recent failures and his perception that his chief strategist was running an off-the-books operation to aggrandize himself at Mr. Trump’s expense.” 
Nevertheless, the president is said to favor keeping Bannon on his team though perhaps in a more limited capacity. 


