County In Maryland Plans To Euthanize 300 Geese In Controversial Move

  • 8 years ago
Maryland’s Montgomery Parks intends to gather between 100 and 300 Canada geese living in two parks, humanely euthanize them, and then turn them into food for the homeless.

Geese that hang out in public parks can be nuisances, and it is often incredibly difficult to convince them to go elsewhere. 
Maryland’s Montgomery Parks is all too familiar with the situation, and recently announced a new plan to rid two public spaces of them, reports WTOP. 
It intends to gather between 100 and 300 of the non-migratory Canada geese from Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Park and Rock Creek Regional Park, humanely euthanize them, and then have them processed. 
The resulting meat will be used to feed the homeless. 
In announcing the initiative, which is slated to begin by early July, the department noted that the avian creatures in question are hazards to the well being of park users, according to Bethesda Magazine.
Each is said to drop about a pound of feces per day, and some of the birds have been known to attack humans. 
The Humane Society of the United States has asked the plan not be initiated, and that further non-lethal means be explored, reports WRC.   


