Meet Nuria!

  • hace 8 años
A new episode from the critically acclaimed series “Meet Our Teachers” is ready! This time we bring you our wonderful teacher Nuria: funny, charming, and swimmingly cool!


In which environment are you most comfortable?
I’m not sure I’d call it an environment but rather a location, really any place with water. I love the water; and I even have a recurring dream that someone is chasing me and I run and run and run but, when they are about to catch me, I jump and swim through the air.

If you were an animal, what would you be?
I would actually be a combination of two animals. A dolphin, because they have fun in the water and hang out in groups, and also because one of my favorite things to do is swim. And a cat, because cats are very flirty and elegant.

What is your favorite color?
Blue is the color I see every time I go to the sea, where I often spend my weekends enjoying what I love most: the water and the sea.

What is your wildest dream?
Actually it’s not really a dream, because you can do it pretty easily: swimming with sharks! I’d love to be surrounded by those beautiful and yet dangerous animals, and feel the adrenaline rush.

Why do you teach Spanish?
I think I was born to teach, I can’t imagine doing anything else. My whole working life has been related to education; even as a child I lined up my dolls and played teacher, so there’s honestly nothing I’d rather do!


