Meet Andrea!

  • hace 9 años
Watch the video of our "singer" and teacher, Andrea, in the second episode of our web series "Meet our Professors"!
Do you want to be part of her class? Have a look at our webpage!


Which words do you overuse most?
Of course, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok

If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
Three wishes? Hmm…that’s really tricky. Good health, a new car, a new house, friendship, love, money, money, love, a new car, a new house. I just wouldn’t ask for anything.

What is your favorite dish to cook?
My favorite dish to cook is chocolate cake with cookies. First of all, it’s super easy to prepare and, secondly, it’s always delicious, and it was always my birthday cake when I was growing up.

Yes, exactly! Thank you!

What is your secret passion?
My secret passion is singing and it’s a really big secret because I’m a terrible singer!

What was your most embarrassing moment?
One time I was walking down the street, distracted, looking somewhere else or talking to someone and I bumped into a trash can or a lamppost.

What is your most prized possession?
My most prized possessions are my lifetime of memories: of my friends, family, trips, of everything I have been through.
And the best thing is that I always have them with me, in good times and bad.

Why are you a Spanish teacher?
I chose to be a Spanish teacher because I love languages, I enjoy learning new languages, and I love to be in contact with other people, travelling, meeting new people…
