Meet Paloma M!

  • hace 9 años
In this episode of ‘Meet Our Teachers’, featuring a special celebrity appearance: she’s captivating, she exudes glamour, and she’s a passionate storyteller… is it one of our amazing teachers or is it Julia Roberts? Find out now, in today’s episode!


Meet Our Teachers!

If you taught another language, what would it be?
I’d teach Greek because I lived in Greece for 10 years, so the country and language really became a part of who I am.

What are you best at?
The thing I’m best at, other than teaching, is telling stories. I’d love to be one of those people creating things behind the scenes, and I think I would tell great tales: describing, setting the scene…

What are you worst at?
The thing I’m worst at, without a doubt, is painting. When I paint, it’s an absolute disaster.

What is your life motto?
My life motto is ‘be happy’, and it really is what I strive for every day. My first priority is working as a teacher, which is my passion, then going out with friends, traveling… enjoying every moment of life, that’s what I try to do every day.

If you were a color, what would you be?
If I were a color it would undoubtedly be blue because it’s the color of sky and sea, which are two incredibly important things in my life.

What is your wildest dream?
My wildest dream is to fly, maybe because my name means “Dove”, but I’m not sure. It’s just the idea of being able to fly and feel free.

What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is Pretty Woman!

Why do you teach Spanish?
To begin with, teaching is a vocation. I have loved teaching ever since I was a child, so I’m honestly doing what I love. And teaching Spanish not only gives me the opportunity to teach, but also to convey my love for the language and for my culture to my students.
It makes me really proud when I see them so happy or loving Madrid knowing that, just maybe in part, this is thanks to my classes.

Until next time guys, see you in Madrid!
