Meet Susanna!

  • hace 9 años
Our awesome Director of Studies and Spanish professor, Susana, is as graceful as a dove floating gently on the breeze and has a peaceful, gentle aura that can’t help but give those around her the feeling of complete happiness. Join her world in episode five of Meet the Professors!

Meet Our Professors!

If you could be an animal, what would you be?
I'd be a bird because I love heights, feeling free, seeing everything from high above, and feeling the wind in my face...

If you could be a color, what color would you be?
I'd love to be turquoise. For me, turquoise represents energy, vitality, life.

If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
I honestly wouldn’t make three wishes, I'd settle for one. I would love to have six month sabbatical to take a trip to Brazil and Argentina, to visit the whole region. I’d like a month to myself, a month to spend with family, and three months to do things I never do, like meet friends, go for a leisurely walk... and, yes, if I’m wishing for things, I’d like a pile of money!

What is your most cherished possession?
If I could keep two things with me they’d be: my grandmother's earrings and my aunt’s necklace. Sometimes even I use them as good luck charms.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
There is no perfect happiness, just moments of happiness. They may be little things; spending time with friends, laughing with coworkers, a walk in the mountains… Those little things are what make moments of immense happiness.

What is your favorite dish to cook?
My meat lasagna isn’t terrible. Every time I bring it to the table, my family says "hats off to the chef!" or "Ole!" and I say, "Thank you!"

What is your life motto?
My father taught me to take things one step at a time. So often we pile all our problems together until they seem endless but it’s much easier to solve one at a time.

What do you like about teaching Spanish?
I really enjoy my work; I love teaching Spanish because it gives me the opportunity to work with people of all different ages, cultures, mentalities, and it enriches my life endlessly!
