Meet Edu!

  • hace 9 años
Travel the world and sail the deep blue sea with our ever-witty, somewhat mysterious teacher, Edu! Join him on his breathtaking adventures in the 6th episode of our web series, Meet Our Teachers!

Meet Our Professors!

If you were a color, what color would you be?
If I were a color I’d be blue, specifically navy blue, because it reminds me of the sea at night and relaxes me.

What is your favorite dish to cook?
My favorite thing to cook: Spaghetti Carbonara. It’s my favorite and, additionally, when I lived in Milan, Italy, I was taught to make it with love…

Who is your favorite fictional character?
My favorite fictional character: Lobenzo. In English, Wolverine. I like him because he’s a rebellious individualist character who occasionally lets himself be carried away by his emotions.

What is your most prized possession?
My favorite possession is a football given to me by the Real Madrid team. It’s signed by all the ‘89-’90 season players.

What has been the best moment of your life so far?
The best moment of my life up until now was when I traveled to Asia and the United States. Frankly, it was a dream come true.

What is your secret passion?
My secret passion wouldn’t be a secret if I told you!

For you, what is complete happiness?
For me, complete happiness is the feeling of absolute relaxation.

Why do you teach Spanish?
What I love most about being a Spanish teacher for foreigners is being able to show the society, gastronomy, culture, and politics that surround me, in this case in Madrid or Spain. I love being able to share and teach these things to my students.

See you at the school, guys! Ciao!
