Meet Sergio!

  • hace 9 años
Meet Sergio, one of the most eclectic professors of our Spanish school! Do you share his passions? Sign up to his classes! Write to us at


Meet Our Professors!

Which words do you overuse most?
My pet phrases when I’m not in class and, well, sometimes when I’m in class too, are tons of swearwords and profanities, like… !!?#@|?!?!#@ ?!!$?#!

What is your spirit animal?
My spirit animal is the owl. It’s a very special animal, it’s associated with different symbolic values in many cultures, and I especially like to associate it with darkness since I think of myself as a nocturnal animal as well.

If you were a color, what color would you be?
If I were a color it would definitely be yellow.

If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
I’m going to think selfishly. First of all, I would like to be immortal. Secondly and thirdly, I would like to be able to teleport through time and space.

What is your wildest dream?
I don’t know if it's my wildest dream, but what I dream about most is flying. And I think if we dream about something often it is because we associate it with the idea of total freedom.
But since we’re talking about our wildest dreams, about daydreams, what I would really like to do would be to DJ at Burning Man, dressed up as Ent, at a really incredible party.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
I would like to be reincarnated as a wolf or a falcon. As a falcon so I can fulfil my dream of flying, just as I was talking about earlier. And as a wolf because I would like to have a much more wild existence.

What is your most treasured possession?

My most prized possession is my ukulele; I bought it recently but I still can’t play it very well.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Perfect happiness? For me it is during all those moments when we are totally focused on the present, and we don’t care about when, how, why, who, or anything.

Why are you a Spanish teacher?
Teaching Spanish? Well I like it because I like to socialize, I like people, I like to listen and I like to learn. And one of the best things about this job is that you get to meet people from tons of different places. They tell you stories, they tell you what their countries are like, what their societies are like, what their problems are and you can try to make comparisons so that, without going anywhere, you have a much wider view of the world.


