Meet Paloma G!

  • hace 9 años
Our awesome teacher, Paloma G, has all the best stories, recipes, and an energy you can't forget! Let her give you the keys to the perfect first experience in Madrid in our latest episode of Meet the Teachers! Pañoma G.
What is your life motto?
One motto I always have in mind is “peace begins with a smile”.

Which words do you overuse most?
Let’s see, my pet phrases... I constantly repeat, “¿entendéis? (do you understand?)” in my classes.
One of my favorite moments was when I asked: “¿entendéis? ¿entendéis?”
And my students all nodded, “yes, yes”...
And later, again, “¿entendéis?” and a student asked me, “Paloma, in 10 days, what's happening?” And ever since that day, whenever I say “¿entendéis?” I always think, ‘one of these students thinks something is happening “in 10 days”!’

If you were a color, what color would you be?
My favorite color is blue, which characterizes me well. Light blue represents serenity, tranquility, patience. And dark blue is an enigma, darkness, and mystery. I think these qualities really show who I am.

What is your favorite dish to cook?
My favorite dish is really easy to make. It’s a very simple, and very Spanish, recipe: fried eggs, french fries, and jamón (Spanish cured ham). It’s best when accompanied by a good bottle of red wine. As you can see, I love to eat but I'm terrible cook!

If you could teach another language, what would it be?
If I could teach another language, it would be Italian.

Why do you teach Spanish?
I teach Spanish because I love my language and I love new challenges. Being a teacher comes with many perks: learning about other cultures, traveling without actually leaving the classroom, seeing other ways of life...
