Ellen DeGeneres Shares Fictional Photo Of Eva Mendes' Baby

  • 10 years ago
New mom, Eva Mendes recently appeared on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’, where the host showed the world what the baby looks like - or something along the lines of that.

New mom, Eva Mendes recently appeared on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’, where the host showed the world what the baby looks like - or something along the lines of that.

Following a little back and worth commentary and laughs, the two started talking about what life with the baby named Esmeralda Gosling is like.

Fully knowing that Mendes has not publicly shared any images of the infant, DeGeneres asked if she could show a photo. Mendes, playing along with DeGeneres, said yes but the image that popped up on screen wasn’t the child she adores..

Instead it was a composite photo of an infant that combined features from both parents. Despite having beautiful Mendes as a mommy and the attractive Ryan Gosling as a daddy, the baby, who was wearing makeup and showcasing perfectly trimmed brows, was slightly odd-looking.

Mendes got quite the laugh at the prank and then she and DeGeneres played a little game, which entailed them looking at several more fictional children and guessing who the celebrity parents were.


