'Simpsons' Creator Helps Save Gay Bull From Slaughter

  • 10 years ago
Recently, a bull that is said to be gay was saved from a slaughterhouse fate thanks to donations from animal-lovers. One of those kind-hearted folks is Sam Simon.

Recently, a bull that is said to be gay was saved from a slaughterhouse fate thanks to donations from animal-lovers. One of those kind-hearted folks is Sam Simon.

If that name doesn’t ring a bell, he’s the co-creator of ‘The Simpsons’. The bull named Benjy, from Ireland, has become quite an internet sensation.

The trouble started when his owner spoke to a friend and journalist about the bull not carrying out his duties on the farm. The main issue was that he seemed to be more interested in breeding with fellow bulls rather than cows.

Benjy’s owner said he would need to be sent to a slaughterhouse. The bull’s plight soon appeared in a local report and it wasn’t long before the organization, Animal Rights Action Network heard about Benjy.

Web-based magazine ‘The Gay UK’ also picked up on the story and started a crowdfunding campaign to save the bull. Enough money was raised to transport him to an animal sanctuary where he will receive lifelong care.

Simon was happy to help Benjy. Currently he’s fighting colon cancer and is giving away a good amount of his fortune to causes pertaining to animal welfare.

Simon commented “All animals have a dire destiny in the meat trade, but to kill this bull because he's gay would've been a double tragedy.”


