Ben Stein Accuses President Obama Of Being Racist

  • 10 years ago
Actor and economist Ben Stein told Fox News that he feels President Obama is the most racist leader in the nation’s history.

Actor and economist Ben Stein told Fox News that he thinks President Obama is the most racist leader in the nation’s history.

Stein’s comments weren’t all focused directly at the president, though, and the ones that were came a bit later in the discussion.

Among the earlier targets were Democratic politicians, including Hillary Clinton.

They came under fire for promoting the idea that Republicans support economic policies that are racially biased.

Stein took particular issue with the notion that Republicans’ fiscal strategies are specifically detrimental to Americans who aren’t white.

When asked about the budget cuts the party has made to minority assistance programs, Stein responded, "The cuts have been absolutely minuscule, absolutely tiny, unbelievable small...the Republicans are the ones who saved this economy, not the ones who ruined this economy."

From there, Stein began his tirade against the President.

In addition to calling Obama out as the nation’s most racist president, Stein accused the leader of using race as a means of dividing the country.

It’s since been pointed out that 12 American presidents were slave owners, two regularly used race-specific pejoratives and one stood by as interracial marriage was made illegal.


