Volcanic Lava Covers Hawaiian Graveyard

  • 10 years ago
Lava flowing from the Kilauea volcano reached the Pahoa area, and within a short time completely enveloped up a century-old Buddhist cemetery.

For the past two years scorching hot lava has been edging towards a rural Hawaiian town. The town of Pahoa is located on the Big Island, and its residents are currently threatened by the Kilauea volcano's ongoing eruption.

Recently, the flow made its heartbreaking arrival and within a short time completely enveloped a century-old Buddhist cemetery.

People in the area had been preparing for such a tragedy to happen, but were still greatly saddened to see it come to pass.

In anticipation of the inevitable loss of the burial ground, a closing ceremony was held a number of weeks ago.

Those in attendance included several Buddhist groups from the area, as well as the local Japanese community association.

Said one local resident, “…when we heard the news that the lava had started to hit the driveway, the reality brought tears to my eyes. … The cemetery is part of our culture … we thought it would be there forever…”

The flow that covered the graveyard is now headed for a residential area, and the people living in its path are being warned that evacuation may be necessary.

Local emergency workers have been going door-to-door to ensure that everyone is aware of the threat and prepared.


