Severely Emaciated Dog In New Orleans Is Now Receiving Care

  • 10 years ago
A drastically emaciated dog in New Orleans is getting a second chance at having a good life. His name is Alex and he is now receiving care from employees at Southern Animal Foundation.

A drastically emaciated dog in New Orleans is getting a second chance at having a good life. His name is Alex, and he is now receiving care from employees at Southern Animal Foundation.

A photo had appeared on an animal control Facebook page showing Alex. His bones could clearly be seen underneath his fur. After seeing the picture, kind-hearted animal lovers transported the pooch through six parishes just to get him the help he needed.

After seeing the picture, kind-hearted animal lovers transported the pooch through six parishes just to get him the help he needed.

When the canine arrived at Southern Animal Foundation, staffers x-rayed him and saw that the only things in his stomach were twigs and rocks, making it clear he was desperate for real food.

Deanna Theis, the assistant director of the Southern Animal Foundation, remarked, “How he is still alive at this point is pretty much a miracle. Severe neglect and starvation, that's what we saw in the picture. It was a terrified emaciated dog that needed help fast.”

Staffers gave him food but it might have been too much for him at that moment. Alex required an emergency surgery after his stomach bloated and flipped.

He is recovering from that and has since been placed on a special prescription diet. Alex is now getting plenty of attention, walks and, of course, nutrition.

The road to getting him to a healthy weight is going be a long one, however staffers are confident he’ll be back to full health in the future and will find his forever home.


