Strip Club Sued For Refusing To Let Woman Enter Without A Man

  • 10 years ago
Tamara Yatkin, a 54-year-old woman in El Segundo, California is suing the Paradise Showgirls strip club for not letting her inside when she tried to enter by herself. The bouncer told her that it is the policy of Paradise Showgirls to not allow entrance to women unless they are accompanied by a man, because they had women customers that started trouble in the past.

Tamara Yatkin, a 54-year-old woman has filed a lawsuit against the Paradise Showgirls strip club for not letting her inside when she tried to enter by herself.

Upon approaching the door, Yatkin asked the bouncer about the cover charge, and if they accept coupons from other strip clubs.

The bouncer told her that it is the policy of Paradise Showgirls to not allow entrance to women unless they are accompanied by a man, because they had women customers that started trouble in the past.

Yatkin told the bouncer that she is a lesbian and was there to enjoy herself, and spend money like the other customers, but she was still refused entry.

She reportedly tried to contact the management about the issue for two weeks, but wasn’t satisfied so now she is taking legal action.

She says they’re discriminating based on her gender and sexual orientation, and is seeking an injunction that would force the club to change their rule about not allowing lesbians or other females to enter without a man to accompany them, along with other unspecified damage claims.


