NYC Jaywalking Arrest Results in $5M Lawsuit

  • 10 years ago
New York City Police have been cracking down on jaywalkers, but their zeal in apprehending one man may cost the city 5 million dollars.

New York City Police have been cracking down on jaywalkers, but their zeal in apprehending one man may cost the city 5 million dollars.

Lawyers for 84-year-old Manhattan resident Kang Chun Wong said that he had to be hospitalized for injuries caused by the officers.

According to his lawyer, Wong, along with several other pedestrians, was crossing in the walk. When he got to the other side an officer stopped him and requested his ID.

Speaking very little English, Wong did understand what they were requesting and complied, but when he asked for it back he spoke in Chinese and gestured with his hands.

That’s when back-up forces were called and the incident turned violent.

Wong’s attorneys assert that he was pushed against a wall and to the ground, hitting his head and losing consciousness.

In addition during the alleged attack he also sustained injuries to his face, back, ribs, and elbow.

Through an interpreter, Wong said - “I didn’t commit any crime. It was excessive how they did it to me. If I did something wrong, I could understand, but I didn’t. They make me feel shame. I was very humiliated.”


