Woman Beats Husband in Warden Election

  • 11 years ago
In a much-publicized local election, Jennifer Johnson successfully beat her husband David Johnson in the election for Waterville, Maine’s Ward 1 Warden position.

In a much publicized local election, Jennifer Johnson successfully beat her husband David Johnson in the election for Waterville, Maine’s Ward 1 Warden position.

The final vote count was reported to be 127 to 76.

Not borne of partisan politics or personal issues, the pair says their face-off was simply a way to show the importance of community service.

Ms. Johnson is a Democrat and her husband a Republican. Each one of them was nominated by their parties to run for the post.

The couple also said that they each accepted their party’s nominations to run in hopes of bringing more people out for the vote.
It being a husband and wife race, the election attracted quite a bit of media attention.

Ms. Johnson is grateful for the coverage, as it has given her an opportunity to get the word out about a food bank she’s organizing at her children’s elementary school.

There, about 72 percent of the students qualify for free or discounted lunch.

Johnson said, “The race started as something silly, but it’s turned into something amazingly, beautifully helpful to small children.”

So far, she’s been able to raise more than 10 thousand dollars.


