• 11 years ago
Between 5 to 10 May 2013 a high ranking official delegation of European Council on Tourism and Trade, under the leadership of H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on Tourism and Trade ( ECTT) was invited for a working visit in People`s Democratic Republic of Lao( Lao PDR).
The delegation had also the outstanding task of presenting to the people and Government of Lao PDR the highest honor in tourism: the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2013.

In the framework of H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea visit an inclusive discussion was held with H.E. Thongsing Thammavong -Prime Minister of Lao.
Tabled at the meeting where the extension of bilateral exchanges in areas such as economy, tourism, culture and political dialogue.
H.E. Thongsing Thammavong -Prime Minister of Lao has outlined for European delegation an extensive presentation of the Laos economic situation as a country in full and ample development, with a rate of annual economic growth of 4 to 7%, and an expansion rate of incoming tourists of more than 20% annually and being counted amongst economic tigers of the area.
Also the Prime Minister had expressed the sincere appreciation of the Government and People of Laos for the instrumental role played by Professor dr. Anton Caragea in promoting Laos image in the world and in bestowing the WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION title for Lao.
On his turn, professor dr. Anton Caragea had emphasized the strong points of Lao: political stability, impressive economic development and the clear express desire to extend the bilateral relation.

On 9 May 2013 in an impressive ceremony full of pomp and paraphernalia the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2013 was bestow to the people and Government of LAOS.
The ceremony reuniting leaders of Government of Lao PDR, diplomats, academicians, business community, cultural and media representatives had included the presentation of the AWARD FOR WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2013, the presentation of the main landmark beauties and scenic spots for tourism in Lao an emotional charged speech of H.E. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Information and concluding a large area of fashion presentation, music and dance spectacle that impress favorable the numerous assistance.
By the outstanding organizing the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION CEREMONY in Vientiane, the Government of Lao PDR had proved his extraordinary capacity to host international events and to organize high resounding world meeting.
The successful and felicitous visit of European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation , the high level and inclusive dialogue with the relevant authorities of Lao PDR, the reciprocated vision of rapid evolving relations, the clearly marked economic, touristic and cultural opportunities are all testament`s of the desire to further extend the dialogue.
