• 10 years ago
New opportunities arise for Zimbabwe tourism as the country is declared World Best tourist Destination in 2014 by European Council on Tourism and Trade.

This wonderful news for the people of Zimbabwe was reiterated on 3 June mass ceremony held in Harare-Zimbabwe on the occasion of the official presentation of the highest tourism award of the world to the African country ( a premiere in the history of the award)

Here are abstracts from the text of the speech held by European Council on Tourism and Trade President on this felicitous celebration:

As always, the ceremony for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the embodiment of an idea and the universal proclamation of a country that succeeded in materializing this idea to the fullest.

Last year we concentrated on the idea that in the world of today, tourism is a causeway uniting knowledge and friendship, peoples and countries, a way to promote peace and understanding, a road that leads towards a better future for all.

We see the recipient of the WORLD BEST TOURISM AWARD, ZIMBABWE, not only standing for the idea of a resurrection of Africa and African people, but also symbolizing Africa’s determination to undertake the long journey to global significance.

We did explain in great detail in our 3rd of May Press Release that we put out for this purpose, why we found Zimbabwe a deserving recipient of these awards.

Last but not least, Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is not only in Zimbabwe that we have found a naturally and culturally well-endowed destination, but it is here that we find an exceptional combination of peace and security, combined with a crime-free environment and an exceptionally hospitable people. Visitors here are bound to feel welcome, safe and secure, and that is probably the reason why the United Nations World Tourism Organization decided to hold the 20th Session of its General Assembly, which turned out to be its most successful, here in Zimbabwe at the magnificent Victoria Falls.

Your Excellency Mr. President, it is my great honor and privilege to hand over this title as an international recognition for all the people of Zimbabwe, all united in the service of protecting and preserving the historical and cultural heritage of your country, leveraging tourism and culture, in the service of the people of Zimbabwe.

This title is also a challenge because we now expect your country and people to hold what you have in trust on behalf of world culture and tourism. May this award be used to enhance the international standing of the Republic of ZIMBABWE-A WORLD OF WONDERS. It is my privilege and honour Mr. President, to handover to Your Excellency, as the representative of your country and tourism, the Award for theWORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2014.
