• 11 years ago
The opening ceremony was held in the presence of President of European Council on Tourism and Trade-Profeessor dr. Anton Caragea and President of Romanian Parliament-Valeriu Stefan Zgonea.
Present on the venue where also : members of European Council on Tourism, representatives of Romanian Parliament and Romanian Government, members of Diplomatic Corp accredited to Romania and countless Romanian and foreign diplomat’s, academicians, personalities of culture and art etc.
In the opening speech, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) had underlined that DUBAI-CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO 2020 Art Exhibition is destined to offer the official support of Parliament and Government of Europe and Romania to the bilateral relationship between Europe and United Arab Emirates, viewed as a strategic relationship for the future of both nations.

″Dubai must and will be the host of EXPO 2020 as it have received more than 51 millions visitors last year and more than 10 million long term visitors have stayed in the city in 2012 alone. Also Dubai is the most dynamic city in the Arabic Golf, encompassing more than 200 nationalities and hosting over 200 events yearly. Dubai is the driving force of the region in term of economic development and is the symbol of geopolitical shift towards Asia as the main engine of economic growth. Dubai had also allocated the most generous resources for the venue of 2020 WORLD EXPO and is the natural center of the trade roads connecting South Asia, Europe and South America via Africa, in what is today called the XXI Century New Silk Road.

Electing Dubai is the practical thing to do for Europe and the world, is what the common sense dictate and the most successful choice″, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- President of European Council on Tourism and Trade(ECTT).
