• 11 years ago
On 26th of April 2013 in a public séance of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, gathering representatives of tourism organizations from European continent has debated the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2013.

On the debate for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2013 professor dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) presented the report titled: LAOS: A TOURISTIC AND CULTURAL PARADISE proposing LAOS as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013.
Among the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013 to LAOS the report outlined:
- Promoting a new concept of community based tourism, friendly to nature, with low ecological impact and preservation of natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.
Community based ecotourism is a way to share revenues and income, to support rural communities in prospering and presenting their foodstuff and handicrafts to the world and to make the base for an economic local development.
Sharing tourism benefits to all the population, offering a social tourism it is a lesson that Lao is offering to the world.
- Offering to tourists not only a historical and outstanding cultural experience but also the possibility to explore nature , to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to visit extraordinary space such as: Nam Ngum reservoir , Bolaven plateau, Mekong river islands , Mekong river boat trip , Tad Kouangsi waterfall , the cave of de Ting . All this are model of achievements in ecological and green tourism that must be world recognized.
- The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO, the transformation of Vientiane in a historical and spiritual center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture and heritage of peoples of Lao.
- - The preservation of an outstanding historical and cultural patrimony that comprises wonderful sites such as: Wat Phu- a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 12th century, the remarkable site from Plain of Jars, offering an insight into Neolithic civilization and a rare window into traditions of centuries.
- Today, Lao is offering an open air museum, a rare collection of historical and archeological treasures that educate and enrich the world.
- - The preservation of religious sites of world significance and value such as: Wat Xieng Thong, one of the most important of world Buddhism monasteries and remains a significant place for the spirit of religion and traditional art.
Awarding the highest tourism distinction of European Council on Tourism and Trade to Laos is a perfect way to celebrate the success of tourism in Laos.
