LOL Here to Stay or Not?

  • 11 years ago
Learn if LOL is here to stay or not.

L-O-L is one of the most popular text message acronyms but will it remain so in the future as well?
It stands for laughing out loud, but has been misinterpreted as meaning lots of love.

It has been around in the popular lexicon as a way of expressing emotion in the purely information based medium of text messages that has become so popular.

L-O-L has even been added to the Oxford English Dictionary, but some people think that it is losing it’s meaning from being overused, or misused.

The nuances of its uses in electronic communication since the initial inception of L-O-L in the 1980s have changed over the years.

Many cultures around the world have different ways of expressing their amusement by using a text abbreviation.

In the Thai language, the number five is pronounced like ha, so they write 555, instead of L-O-L.

The French version is M-D-R, an abbreviation of mort de rire, which means dying of laughter.


