• 11 years ago
The Japanese government is looking to recruit low-cost nursing home robots.

Japan is dealing with a growing elderly population and the government is asking companies to make low-cost robots that can assist older residents in nursing homes.

The robot machines will reportedly reduce the work load for human employees working in the elderly care industry. The government has highlighted several important tasks the robots must be able to do.

One of them is assistance related to lifting and helping folks with mobility issues. An ambulatory machine is also needed to help patients to walk. A self-cleaning robotic toilet is outlined in the government plan, along with a monitoring robot which would be able to locate dementia sufferers who get lost.

Japanese authorities are looking to spend around $1,000 for each robot.

China takes a different approach to the elderly population. Starting on July 1st 2013, parents can sue their own kids for not visiting them enough.

An amended law is requiring adults to take better care of their elderly relatives, specifically their mom and dad. The move seems to reflect the projected future changes in China's older population, which is expected to double in the next 4 decades.


