Fort St. Vrain Eagles Monday April 22, Ridin' The Storm Out

  • 11 years ago
The Eagles at Platteville Colorado are in their third week after hatching three young eaglets. Each week thus far has brought a snow storm to their area. The second one took the lives of two babies. Tonight in this video you will see yet another storm bearing down on the nest. The two adults are doing their usual ritual of huddling over the young. One sleeps while the other keeps an eye open for anyone who dares come close to the nest. The weather forecast is calling for temps in the 20's and 3 to 6 inches of snow. I hope and pray that the little one makes it through the night. If it does, this should be the last of the really bad snow storms for this season.

If you want to peek into the nest, the cameras are always live 24/7. Here's the link.


