Fort St. Vrain Eagles Monday April 22. Mom and Dad disagree over stick placement.

  • 11 years ago
Mom comes home and finds dad chillin', when he should be tidying up the house. He gets up, moves a stick over to the side rails and flys away. Mom starts to do dads job. She picks up a stick to move it and this brings dad right back to the nest. He wants to make sure she doesn't put his prized sticks in the wrong place. After a bit of a tussle over the stick and conking the little one in the head a few times, dad finally wins the battle, places the stick right back where it came from and chills back out in the same spot he was in before all this began. See honey, they are a lot like us!

If you want to peek into the nest, the cameras are always live 24/7. Here's the link.


