100 Years Ago Today - February 14, 1913

  • 11 years ago
Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was happening in the world one hundred years ago?

Hi this is Matt and here are 5 Washington Post headlines from February 14th, 1913.

Number 5 - While other methods are used for executions today, in 1913, hanging was one of the methods. A report covered the upcoming execution of a convicted murderer. It noted 'He will go the gallows at the District jail this morning.'

Number 4 - For some household tips, you could check out the housewives' daily economy calendar. While covering a range of ideas, a vacuum cleaner was never mentioned which today is an integral part of any household. Vacuum cleaners gained mass adoption amongst the general public only after the Second World War.

Number 3 - With March 4th, 1913 approaching, the buzz surrounding President Wilson's inauguration was getting louder. In one of the developments, Presidential college escorts were to wear blazers and white trousers in the inauguration parade instead of the conventional caps and gowns.

Number 2 - Congress was debating on the Philippine situation. The United States had gained control of Philippines in 1898 following the Treaty of Paris. Even with the congressional debates such as the one covered in this report, the Philippines were not granted full independence until 1946.

Number 1 - The conflict in Mexico continued to be a major story. The US Ambassador to Mexico noted that many US citizens had been evicted from their homes and made their way to the US embassy. He was giving refuge to over 500 of them.


