A seminar about raising childreen in a multicultural society, Nyborg- waa barnaamij la xiriira tarbiyada ubadka qurbaha " PART 1 "

  • 11 years ago
This program is a resume of a seminar held in Nyborg, where members of ths somali network in Danmark discuss the best way to raise childreen in a multicultural society, how cultural and religious blindness can lead to a blind road and proposels for some best practice tools to acheive a positive integration in a new society -
Waa barnaamij la xiriira tarbiyada ubadka ku nool qurbaha oo ay bulshada danmark kaga doodayaan sida ugu wanaagsan ee ubadka loogu barbaarin karo tarbiya miisaaman oo u suurtagalisa in ay dhexgalaan bulshada cusub iyaga oo aan lumin asalkooda ..." QAYBTA 1aad "
