DDS Ethiopian Diaspora ice-breaking peace confrence in Copenhagen 17-18 Oct.2010 - Shirkii daahfurka Nabadda ee qurbajoogta deegaanka Somalida Itobiya Kopenhagen 17-18 OKT. 2010

  • 11 years ago
A program from Gelles corner Archives - After promoting peace, development and justice for almost 10 years, The Ethiopian Somali Association for peace and development arranged an ice-breaking conference in Copenhagen from the 17-18th oct. 2010 - high profile delegates attended the conference among them the president of the Somali regional state, chairman of the parliament, the Ethiopian federal ministers of social and development, the federal minister of finance , Ethiopian ambassadors to Belgium, Sweden and UK , members of the opposition groups from ONLF and UWSLF and peace activists from the Scandinavia, Germany, UK, Holland and France - at the end of the program M Gelle reads the communiqué of the conference. Part 1

Waa barnaamij la xiriira shir ballaaran oo lagu qabtay Kopenhagen 17-18 oktober , 2010 - shirkaas oo daahfur u ahaa shirar isdaba joog ah oo ay qurbajoogta ka soo jeeda dawlad deegaanka Somaliyeed ay ku qabteen dunida dacaladeeda si loo taageero nabadda iyo horumarka deegaanka Somalida - waxaa shirka ka soo qaybgalay madax sare oo ay ka mid yihiin, madaxwaynaha dawlad deegaanka Somalida Mudane Abdi Mohamed Omar, wasiirada shaqada iyo Bulshada ee dawladda federalka Itoobiya mudane Abdi Fatah Sheekh, wasiirka maaliyadda ee dawladda federaalka Itoobiya mudane Abdiraxman Gureey, Gudoomiyaha baarlamanka, safiirada Itoobiya ee dalalka Beljim, Sweden iyo UK - sidoo kale waxaa shirka ka soo qaybgalay madax ka socotay ururada mucaaradka ee ONLF iyo UWSLF iyo xubno matalayay jaaliyadaha wadamada Skandinafia, Germany, UK , Holland iyo France . dhamaadka shirka M Gelle ayaa akhrinaya war murtiyeedkii shirka Part 1
