100 Years Ago Today - January 23, 1913

  • 11 years ago
Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was happening in the world one hundred years ago? Hi this is Matt and here are 5 New York Times headlines from January 23rd, 1913.

Number 5 – President Obama’s Inaugural Ball was a leading story recently across all the media outlets. In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson suspended the Inaugural Ball because he thought the inauguration was a solemn occasion and that a ball would be inappropriate. The cancellation of the ball led to a large overstock of women’s long white gloves. …and, probably, a great sale, too.

Number 4 – When was the City of New York founded? Seems as though there were some disagreements 100 years ago as to when Dutch seamen had landed and began residing in what is today New York City. The committee of citizens appointed to plan a celebration of the City’s founding decided that they could not completely agree on whether the first residents settled in 1613, but were certain that a charter was granted in 1614 for a Dutch Trading Outpost. The celebration was postponed for another year.

Number 3 - A state of the art new buick commercial vehicle was being touted in a large ad. 25% less fuel, 25% more power, and 25% less operating expense if you went with that Buick.

Number 2 - Also, gracing the pages of the New York Times on January 23rd, 1913 were some photos from a wedding of prominent philanthropists and socialites. The images provide a great insight into the fashion and style from that era.

Number 1 – Today, according to the CDC, 1 in 10 adults in the United States report some type of depression affecting their lives. A hundred years ago, it seemed to be characterized differently. On this day in 1913, it was reported that a prominent cigar manufacturer committed suicide at the Grand Union Hotel. His wife stated that he had been “acutely melancholy for several days”.


