Clerk Tells Robbery Suspect That He's Too Busy

  • 12 years ago
A clerk tells a gun yielding robbery that he's too busy.

It's gut-wrenching to face a burglar… least in most cases.

Recently, a gun brandishing woman reportedly attempted to rob a Mini Mart in Eat Bremerton, Washington.

The woman walked into the store at roughly 10 P.M. and ordered the clerk to empty the cash register, all while holding a firearm.The clerk thought it was a prank and told the woman that he was busy and continued gabbing away on the phone. The suspect left the store empty-handed. Police soon searched the area with a K9 dog but didn’t have any luck finding the woman.

In another case of an unsuccessful burglary, two crooks in Sussex, UK stole a bulldozer to dislodge an ATM from the wall of a bank building. When the cash machine was lifted, it was placed in the back of the getaway vehicle, a blue Toyota pick-up truck.
After all the hard work, the truck refused to start, leaving the men no other option but to take off on foot, minus a vehicle and the ATM.

