Man Completes Marathon Wearing Flip Flops

  • 12 years ago
A man completes a marathon wearing flip flops.

Successfully completing a marathon is no easy feat.

So imagine doing it without wearing the proper gear, like sneakers. One man named Keith Levasseur did just that by running the Baltimore Marathon in 2 hours, 46 minutes and 58 seconds, while wearing flip-flops.

As one would expect, he is an active man, being a member of Maryland's Howard County Striders and last year he made it a point to set a goal of completing a marathon in less than three hours by wearing sandals. Lavasseur told Runner's World Newsire: “After a few miles, I decided I go with whatever pace I could comfortably run, even if it was faster than my target pace”.

His feet were sore after running 26.2 miles but the hard work may pay off, as he has filed paperwork for his accomplishment to be recognized in the Guinness World Records .

What do you think? Can you run a marathon in flip flops?


