• 12 years ago
Study Says Ok to Let Baby Cry It Out - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

A study published in the journal, Pediatrics, concludes that it is ok for parents to allow their infants to cry it out while learning to fall asleep on their own. Researchers compared the results of different sleep training methods on hundreds of babies from 7 months to 6 years.

The study used two parenting methods called camping out and controlled comforting, both of which involve letting the baby cry for certain periods of time. The camping out method allows the parent to sit next to the child as he or she learns how to fall asleep on their own. Over time, the parent will sit further away until they are out of the same room. Controlled comforting teaches the mother or father to comfort their babies at certain time intervals which gradually become longer. The remainder of parents were allowed to use their own consoling methods.

The results showed that parents who used the sleep training methods of camping out or controlled comforting slept better…and so did their children. Moms were also less likely to develop depression.

What do you think - let the baby cry or not?


