Artist Plans A New Perfume Using Sweat

  • 12 years ago
Artist Plans A New Perfume Using Sweat - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

So you someone profusely sweating? You want to stay away - right?

However, Daniel Peltz, an artist from New York, believes that some people would want to buy a perfume made from sweat.

During his summer stay in Sweden, he has observed the glass blowers in Sweden and how the tourists appreciate their work and buy glass in large quantities. The glass blowing is a labor intensive process and as expected, results in a lot of perspiration.

Peltz claims to have a proprietary recipe that will turn sweat into perfume and thinks it'll be a hit among tourists.

While Peltz's idea may seem unappealing to you, there are many unexpected ingredients that are used in perfumes.

For instance, whale vomit is in high demand for its use in creating perfumes. A British boy recently stumbled upon a whale vomit chunk and can expect to make nearly $60,000 from it.

What's the most unusual perfume you have come across? Would you use a perfume made from someone's sweat?


