Order Evian Water Using Refrigerator Magnet

  • 12 years ago
Order Evian Water Using Refrigerator Magnet - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

French water company Evian has made it easier to order bottled water from home just by using the touch of a button.

Attached to the front of your refrigerator on a magnet, the smart drop device can communicate wirelessly with Evian’s water delivery service, through evianchezvous.com, which translates as “Evian at home.”

Working together with the Paris based Joshfire digital firm on Evian’s new delivery service is the company behind the smart drop device’s design, BETC Digital, who also worked with Evian on their “live young” advertising campaign, which produced the most downloaded ad of all time, featuring roller skating babies.

BETC’s website says the new product “…allows you to order natural mineral water, for delivery to your doorstep, without even using a computer or phone. The Evian smart drop project aims to offer the drop to the most faithful users of the evianchezvous.com service by 2013.”

Home delivery and recycling services will be free with a 15 euro or more purchase. Their services will only be available in Paris, France until the system can be expanded to other international markets.


