Art Showcase: Unusuals Sculptures

  • 13 years ago
Art Showcase: Unusuals Sculptures - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. First I will give you the titles, this is called Lollipop Christ, this one is called Chatter, and this one is called Rainy Day Girl. And Rainy Day Girl was a very simple piece. I found this umbrella, this is an umbrella handle, I got the doll head on it and she was done in about four hours, just loved her the way she was. Put the rubber band in her hair to hold it up and said, the rubber band works, I do not have to do anything else. So, very simple piece. But I feel she has a loneliness to her, which is what I wanted her to have, so she works. Chatter is something we all experience, especially in New York, all the noise we have in our head. So, these are mainly broken pieces, I purposely broke pieces of bric-a-brac to stuff them into the doll's head, the way we all feel sometimes with our head exploding with stuff we do not want in it. And then all the collage of imagery, again, behind this, nothing is more important than anything else and your mind just gets clustered together and you cannot think properly. So that is the inpiration for Chatter. And so many people relate to it when they see it, that it is exactly the way they feel, 'I feel that way!' I feel like that piece works. Lollipop Christ was a very hard piece to put together. It took months and months to finish, which some pieces do, they just take that kind of time. I wanted, after doing this piece with a background, I wanted to start using more background imagery, and found this wonderful old scene from a 1930s magazine that I had that mentions Christ in it. And I just do not actually know how lollipop came with Christ, it just kind of fit. I cannot really tell you more about that. This is an old tortoise shell. These are all personas, kind of archetypal imagery, that is what they are all based on.


