Pros and Cons of White Meat Vs. Red Meat

  • 13 years ago
Pros and Cons of White Meat Vs. Red Meat - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Today I want to talk a little bit about red meat and white meat. It is a very controversial subject. Some people in some studies have said red meat is not good for you, some say white meat is good for you. They can all be good for you. It depends on the quality of the meat, and what I like to bring to light today is that you can eat wonderfully healthy red meat if you buy grass-fed meat. Grass-fed means that the animals, usually cattle or pork or lamb, they are grown the way they were grown hundreds of years ago. They are raised out on the grasslands. They eat grass, they are not fed grain. They are not kept in feed lots. They are actually raised the way they are supposed to be. The nutrition profile of their meat is actually much better than anything that you can buy in the supermarket, which is grain-fed beef and grain-fed pork and grain-fed lamb. The grass-fed animals have a better nutrition profile. The fats that they have in them are omega-3 fatty acids which you have probably heard are very good for your heart, very good for your brain. Good for losing weight. It is a much healthier source of animal protein and the same actually goes for poultry. Pasture raised or free range chicken and turkey and duck, these are all much healthier. They have a much better nutrition profile, so whether you like white meat or you like dark meat or red meat versus white meat. It is not really the color of the meat but what is in the meat that is going to either make you healthy or not so healthy, so stick with grass-fed or free range and you will be able to eat any kind of animal protein. The best place to find grass-fed or free range, the easier place actually, is a store like Whole Foods or sometimes even health food stores. They usually have the grass-fed or the free range protein. You can also go to a farmers market. A lot of farmers are raising grass-fed animals now, and they bring the meats to the farmers market, so it is pretty easy to get it there and you get to talk to the farmer. You get to know how the animals are raised. Sometimes you even see pictures, so it is kind of fun getting to know the people that actually raise your food, and there are more and more farmers markets around the country these days. So, whether you are a vegetarian or a meat eater, you are going to want to make sure that you pay attention to the quality of your diet and the variety of your diet, and this will ensure that you get the range of nutrients that humans need.


